


The best ways to consume CBD

Posted by Open HempShop Team on Aug 29th 2023

The best ways to consume CBD
CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant that has gained popularity for its potential health benefits. There are many ways for consumers to take CBD today, so your choice will depend on your preferences and desired effects.The different routes of administration not only change the way this cannabinoid is ingested, but also the way it travels thro …

¿Qué dice la OMS sobre el uso del CBD?

Posted by Open HempShop Team on Jul 24th 2023

¿Qué dice la OMS sobre el uso del CBD?
Debido a la expansión en el uso médico del CBD, la Organización Mundial de la Salud decidió revisar la evidencia de su seguridad y eficacia.En tal sentido, a finales de 2017, publicó un informe donde informó que “el CBD generalmente se tolera bien con un buen perfil de seguridad”. Sin embargo, también notaron que pueden ocurrir efectos adversos, especialmente como resultad …

What does the WHO say about the use of CBD?

Posted by Open HempShop Team on Jul 24th 2023

What does the WHO say about the use of CBD?
Due to the expansion in the medical use of CBD, the World Health Organization decided to review the evidence of its safety and efficacy.In that regard, at the end of 2017, it published a report where it reported that "CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile". However, they also noted that adverse effects can occur, especially as a result of interactions …

Cáñamo industrial ¿Qué es y cuáles son sus aplicaciones y beneficios?

Posted by Open HempShop Team on Jun 24th 2023

Cáñamo industrial ¿Qué es y cuáles son sus aplicaciones y beneficios?
El cáñamo industrial, también conocido como cáñamo, es una variedad de la especie de planta Cannabis sativa que se cultiva específicamente para usos industriales. A diferencia de la marihuana, otra variedad de Cannabis sativa, el cáñamo tiene niveles bajos de tetrahidrocannabinol (THC), el compuesto psicoactivo responsable del "subidón" asociado con la marihuana. En muchos …

Industrial hemp. What is it and what are its applications and benefits?

Posted by Open HempShop Team on Jun 24th 2023

Industrial hemp. What is it and what are its applications and benefits?
Industrial hemp, also known as hemp, is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is specifically cultivated for industrial uses. Unlike marijuana, another variety of Cannabis sativa, hemp has low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana. In many countries, hemp is legally defined as havi …
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